Freedom of Expression

“Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse

Recently, I sold my books, cards, and prints at a music festival in Michigan. A kid's art show was set up behind me (as seen in the photo above.)

I loved seeing all the art. It reminded me how free a child is in their creativity, and it made me wish that everyone could hold onto that freedom of expression throughout their lives.

Self-Loathing Critic

To me, the best art comes when you create without a self-conscious filter and a willingness to go for it. Being a self-loathing critic of your own art while you're in the middle of making something can stop you in your tracks. People can even become so afraid of producing bad art or doing something wrong that they hold themselves back from doing their art at all.

The truth is, you can always fix or change whatever you wrote or drew later if you decide to. No biggie. You can even throw it away if you don't like it. I've thrown away plenty. The point is to get something going, get lots of things going. Make lots of art.


Sometimes, mistakes lead to something cool. Mistakes also teach you new things. Besides, the only way to get good at anything is to keep doing it.

I've found that not being your own worst critic in art and life is a successful way to work and live. But that's just my opinion. What do you think? Please let me know.

Thank you for reading my blog.

Stay wild stay free,

Rachel Hutcheson


Not Made For Human Consumption


A Fresh Start