There is something to be said about perseverance. There is something to be said about not giving up even when it looks like you don't have a chance in hell.
There is something to be said about putting yourself out there for all to see. No matter what the goal.
I admire the guy who asks every girl he meets to go out with him. He knows what many people do not. He knows that one day, some girl will say yes. He is a go-getter, and he is going to get the girl.
It may not be love, but then again, it might be.
T.V. Talent Contest
I love the people who go on TV talent shows. These people have guts. Sheer guts.
They have a dream, and they don't let the chance of having their heart broken on national television with the replay on YouTube stop them.
Their dream plays out in front of all the people who ever believed in them and those who don't.
On top of that, there is always some non-believer waiting to tell everybody why they don’t believe in someone.
Little does this non-believer know that the victory is in the going for it, win or lose, rise or fall, live or die. Perseverance is hard.
Keeping Going
You don’t climb Mount Everest without perseverance.
You don’t make millions or get to celebrate 50 years of marriage without it. No, you have to put yourself out there over and over and over again.
It's the never-give-up attitude and the belief in yourself and others that keeps you going.
Of course, there are plenty of good reasons to quit something, and sometimes you decide that’s what you want to do, so you quit.
I have quit plenty of times. I abandoned the trombone in 11th grade. Perseverance is hard.
Still, I have spent my life creating in the arts.
Sometimes, I wonder what I am doing with my life. I mean, what the hell am I doing? Have I ruined my life? Where am I, I say to myself.
But truth be told. When, I think about it. I realize what I am doing with my life is persevering. I am out in the ocean searching for wind I can sail on.
So are you. So keep going. Everybody catches a breeze sometimes.
Thank you for reading my blog. I'm happy that you are here. Sending you love, peace, and friendship.
Stay wild stay free,
Rachel Hutcheson