Thanksgiving Blessings and Happiness

In the USA, we are celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday. It's a big family day, a big dinner day, a big football day, and a holiday to give thanks for your blessings.

How lucky we are to have a holiday to give thanks.

Have you ever noticed how much better you feel when you're thankful? Have you ever felt upset and then looked at some of the things you’re grateful for and snapped out of some funk?

I have.

There is nothing like looking around and finding things to be thankful for to make you feel a hundred times better. It's hard to hold onto being mad, unhappy, or negative when you start naming all the things for which you have gratitude.

Being thankful can make you feel so good you want to do it all the time.

I love, loving on the things I love, and I've found naming things that I am thankful for always makes the universe feel calmer and the tough times easier to take.

It also makes me feel lucky and awesome. I hope it does the same for you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Stay wild stay free,

Rachel Hutcheson

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